01 May 2013

Just the Right Amount

Today I woke up thinking about a personal experience I haven't shared with many people. It's something very close to my heart, and in-spite of the "ups and downs and all-arounds" - I believe with all my heart it's part of Heavenly Father's plan for me.

One morning, about two years ago, my husband and I woke up with a very strong impression that we needed to adopt RIGHT NOW! (The only time adoption had come up to this point was in casual conversation). The idea was scary and exhilarating all at the same time.

So we grabbed each others hands and jumped right in! Immediately blessings came from every side, in the form of help, support, advice, and finances. People truly gave with their hearts. It was humbling and amazing to think that all this could lead up to having a child in our home.

But then something interesting happened. Again, we felt the strong impression to STOP what we were doing. We were baffled - things were going so well (even in-spite of the bumps that are sure to come up in a journey like this.) It tore at my heart.

But with much prayer and faith, we put our trust in our Heavenly Father. (And it wasn't too long before we discovered the reasons why we needed to put things on hold).

Paul V. Johnson spoke in General Conference shortly after we decided to adopt. (Read the complete blog post I wrote earlier that relates to this same address).

He says, "We don’t seek out tests, trials, and tribulations. Our personal journey through life will provide just the right amount for our needs. Many trials are just a natural part of our mortal existence, but they play such an important role in our progress."

"Lead, Kindly Light" by Simon Dewey

I don't know what my Heavenly Father has in-store for us when it comes to a family of our own. There are times I question the "tests, trials, and tribulations" I experience. But I know each day I discover how much my Heavenly Father loves us and has a plan for each of us, and that He knows "just the right amount" so we can not only learn, but progress.

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